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ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale >

ブラウズ "ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale": 発行日

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検索結果表示: 981 - 1000 / 3097
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1745年Remarks on the present state of the linnen-manufacture of this kingdom. -
1745年A Scheme for raising a fund for a provision for the wldows and orphans of excisemen in Scotland: promised in a late letter from a gentleman in Edinburgh, to his friend, an officer of excise, in the country. -
1745年Observations and proposals concerning the navey: with an enquiry into its present condition; shewing its insufficiency to defend us from a sudden attack of the French ... -
1745年The origin and antiquity of our English weights and measures discover'd. Greaves, John 
1745年[A] scheme to prevent the running of wool abroad, and to encourage the manufactures at home. Newball, John 
1745年Chronicon preciosum: or, An account of English gold and silver money; the price of corn and other commodities; and of stipends, salaries, wages, jointures, portions, day-labour, &c. in England, for six hundred years last past. Fleetwood, William 
1745年The Present state of the British and French trade to Africa and America consider'd and compar'd; with some propositions in favour of the trade of Great Britain. -
1745年The Charitable Corporation vindicated, as well when in the heighth [sic] of trade, as in its present situation: together with some reasons why it deserves the protection and assistance of the legislature; and the concurrence of every individual, who wishes well to the publick. -
1745年A Survey of the national debts, the sinking fund, the civil list, and the annual supplies: giving a clear and impartial account of our present state with regard to publick money. -
1745年A list of the absentees of Ireland, and the yearly value of their estates and incomes spent abroad. 3d ed. Prior, Thomas 
1745年A Compleat alphabetical list, of the stamp duties. -
1745年A scheme to prevent the running of Irish wools to France, and Irish woollen goods to foreign countries; by prohibiting the importation of Spanish wools into Ireland, and permitting the people of Ireland to send their woollen goods to England, (not of consumption, but re-exportation) under a duty at importation, to be drawn back on exportation from England to foreign countries. [Bradshaw, James] ,a merchant of London. 
1745年A Proposal for redressing the grievances of the nation, under the following heads, vis. the national debt, taxes, excise laws, penal laws, army, navy, riot act, septennial act, placemen, corruption, &c. &c. In a method of reasoning entirely new. -
1746年National oeconomy recommended, as the only means of retrieving our trade and securing our liberties; occasioned by the perusal of the late report of a committee of the House of Commons relating to the army... -
1746年Superiorities display'd: or, Scotland's grievance, by reason of the slavish dependence of the people upon their great men; upon account of holdings or tenures of their lands, and of the many and the hereditary jurisdictions over them... -
1746年The Lords protest. Die Veneris 2do Maii, 1746. Gt. Brit. Parliament, 1746. House of Lords. 
1746年A new method for valuing of annuities upon lives. 2d ed. Hayes, Richard 
1746年A defence of several proposals for raising of three millions for the service of the government, for the year 1746. With a postscript, containing some notions relating to publick credit. Barnard, Sir John 
1746年Essai sur les probabilites de la duree de la vie humaine; d'ou l'on deduit la maniere de determiner les rentes viageres, tant simples qu'en Contines: precede d'une courte explication sur les rentes a terme, ou annuites; et accompagne d'un grand nombre de tables. Deparcieux, Antoine 
1746年The national and private advantages of the African trade considered: being an enquiry, how far it concerns the trading interest of Great Britain, effectually to support and maintain forts and settlements in Africa; belonging to the Royal African Company of England. Postlethwayt, Malachy 
検索結果表示: 981 - 1000 / 3097
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