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1799年Account of the distribution of the sum of £. 938,192, 3. 7.; being part of the sum of £. 1,000,000, raised by an act in the last session of Parliament, and granted to His Majesty, to enable His Majesty to take all such measures as may be necessary to disappoint or defeat any enterprize or designs of His Majesty's enemies, and the exigency of affairs may requirs paid by the Right Honourable the Paymaster General of His Majesty's forces. Gt. Brit. Treasury 
1796年Account of the expences of the island of St. Helena, and the factory of Canton; for three years... East India Company (English) Wm Wright 
1812年Account of the highest and lowest amounts of bank notes at any one time in circulation, during the year 1811, subsequent to the 23d July, and also, during the first three months of the year 1812. Bank of England. Willm Dawes. 
1796年Account of the total value of the imports into, and exports from Great Britain, in the last ten years, distinguishing each year. Gt. Brit. Customs Establishment Thomas Irving 
1796年Account of the total value of the imports into, and exports from, Great Britain, in the year, 1792,1793,1794, and 1795, distinguishing each year, and also distinguishing each kingdom, state, and colony, from whence imported and to which exported. Gt. Brit. Thomas Irving 
1796年Account of the unprovided services belonging to the office of Ordnance, as they stood on the 31st December 1795; prepared pursuant to an order of the Honble. the House of Commons, 3d March 1796. Gt. Brit. Ordnance Office 
1801年Account presented to the House of commons, from the Treasury, respecting money advanced by way of loan or subsidy to different states, &c. Gt. Brit. Treasury, A. Newland 
1797年Account respecting imperial stock・・・1797. Bank of England. W. Edwards. 
1796年Account shewing the probable deficiency of the sums voted for the service of the year 1796, -
1796年Account showing how the deficiency of revenue of the end of the American war was provided for in time of peace. -
1801年Account, presented to the House of Commons, of all pensions charged upon His Majesty's civil establishment of Scotland. Gt. Brit. Treasury, Francis Anderson 
1801年Account, presented to the House of Commons, of all subsisting pensions, granted by the crown during pleasure of otherwise, and payable at the Exchequer; &c. Gt. Brit. Treasury, N. Vansittart 
1801年Account, presented to the House of Commons, on the distribution of the sum of £2,500,000,granted to His Majesty to defray the extraordinary services of the Army, for the year 1800; &c. Gt. Brit. Treasury, George Craufurd 
1796年Account[s] Gt. Brit. Exchequer James Fisher 
1796年Account[s] Money received on lean of 1795; for the lottery of 1795; from the land and malt tax; sums raised on the vote of credit; monnies reserved for the payment of His Majesty's civil list; money paid to the different departments. Gt. Brit. Exchequer James Fisher 
1796年Account[s] Salaries of barrack masters; officers; money issued for the erection of barracks. Gt. Brit. Army. Ol:De Lancey 
1796年Account[s]... Gt. Brit. Army 
1798年Account[s]・・・ Gt. Brit. Secretary of State. 
2001年9月30日Accountability of NGO/NPO Sector渡辺, 龍也; WATANABE, Tatsuya
1800年Accounts and papers respecting the increase or diminution salaries, &c. &c. in the public offices, for the years 1797, 1798, and 1799. Gt. Brit. Treasury, George Rose 
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