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タイトル: | The universal merchant: containing the rationale of commerce, in theory and practice; an enquiry into the nature and genius of banks, their power, use, influence and efficacy; the establishment of operative transactions of the banks of London and Amsterdam, their capacity and credit calculated and compared: an account of the banks of Hamburg, Nuremberg, Venice, and Genoa, their credit and course of business; the doctrine of bullion and coins amply discussed; and therefrom the course and par of exchange regularly deduced. |
請求番号: | 18-7 |
著者: | Magen, Nikolaus |
出版者: | C. Sav., W. Owen |
出版地: | London |
発行日: | 1753 |
ページ数: | 3 p.l.,xxii, 131,[4]p. |
タイプ: | Book |
NII資源タイプ: | Book |
出現コレクション: | ローダデール伯文庫 Lauderdale