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Showing results 163 to 182 of 11212
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Mar-2003A 21st Century International Trade Strategy for Northeast AsiaNAKAGAWA, Juro; 中川, 十郎
1719A Ballance for merchants and mariners: containing an undoubted account of the principal causes of the great decay of trade; with proper directions to set our trade again on a right foot. -
1733A Bill for repealing several subsidies and an impost now payable on tobacco of the British plantations, and for granting an inland duty in lieu thereof. -
1747A Bill for taking away and abolishing the heretable jurisdictions in that part of Great Britain called Scotland; and for making satisfaction to the proprietors thereof; and for restoring such jurisdictions to the crown; and for making more effectual provision for the administration of justice throughout that part of the United Kingdom, by the King's courts and judges there; and for rendering the union of the two kingdoms more complete. Gt. Brit. Laws, statutes, etc., 1727-1760 (George II) 
1827A Bill intituled An act for enabling qualified persons to authorize their servants, or others, to kill game upon their lands; and for further amending the game laws. -
1769A Bill to encourage the improvement of lands, tenements, and hereditaments, held under settlements of strict entail, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland. -
1775A bill, intended to be offered to Parliament, for the better relief and employment of the poor, within that part of Great Britain called England. Gilbert, Thomas 
1713A brief account of the present state of the African trade. Defoe, Daniel 
1720A brief answer to A brief state of the question, between the printed and painted callicoes, and the woollen and silk manufactures: as far as it relates to the wearing and using printed and painted callicoes in Great Britain. 2d ed. Asgill, John 
1726A brief case of the distillers, and of the distilling trade in England, shewing how far it is the interest of England to encourage the said trade, as it is so considerable an advantage to the landed interest, to the trade and navigation, to the publick revenue, and to the employment of the poor. Defoe, Daniel 
1726A brief case of the distillers, and of the distilling trade in England, shewing how far it is the interest of England to encourage the said trade, as it is so considerable an advantage to the landed interest, to the trade and navigation, to the publick revenue, and to the employment of the poor. Defoe, Daniel 
1727A brief deduction of the original, progress, and immense greatness of the British woolen manufacture: with an enquiry whether it be not at present in a very declining condition: the reasons of its decay; and the only means of its recovery. Defoe, Daniel 
1787A brief essay on the advantages & disadvantages which respectively attend France and Great-Britain, with regard to trade. Tucker, Josiah 
1750A brief essay on the advantages and disadvantages which respectively attend France and Great Britain, with regard to trade. Tucker, Josiah 
1753A brief essay on the advantages and disadvantages which respectively attend France and Great Britain, with regard to trade. with some proposals for removing the principal disadvantages of Great Britain in a new method. 3d ed., corr., with add.Tucker, Josiah, 1712-1799.
1749A brief essay on the advantages and disadvantages, which respectively attend France and Great Britain, with regard to trade. Tucker, Josiah 
1799A brief examination into the increase of the revenue, commerce, and manufactures, of Great Britain, from 1792 to 1799. 2d ed. Rose, George 
1793A brief examination into the increase of the revenue, commerce, and navigation, of Great Britain, since the conclusion of the peace in 1783. Rose, George 
1826A Brief sketch of the political importance of the British colonies. Bell & Bradfute 
1730A brief state of the inland of home trade, of England; and of the oppressions it suffers, and the dangers which threaten it from the invasion of hawkers, pedlars, and clandestine traders of all sorts. Defoe, Daniel 
Showing results 163 to 182 of 11212
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