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Showing results 1961 to 1980 of 11188
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1696F., J. [The merchant's warehouse laid open]: or, The plain dealing linnen-draper. -
1728The fable of the bees: or, Private vices, publick benefits. with an essay on charity and charity-schools. and a search into the nature of society. to which is added, A vindication of the book from the aspersions contain'd in a presentment of the Grand-Jury of Middle-Sex, and an abusive letter to Lord C.Mandeville, Bernard, 1670-1733.
1796Facts addressed to the serious attention of the people of Great Britain respecting the expence of the war, and the state of the national debt ... Morgan, William 
1796Facts addressed to the serious attention of the people of Great Britain respecting the expence of the war, and the state of the national debt ... 2 ed. Morgan, William 
1782Facts and their consequences, submitted to the consideration of the public at large; but more particularly to that of the finance minister, and of those who are or mean to become creditors to the state. Stair, John Dalrymple, 5th earl 
1796Facts relative to the conduct of the war in the West Indies; collected from the speech of the Right Hon. Melville, Henry Dundas, 1st viscount 
1758Facts which shew the necessity of establishing a regular method for the punctual, frequent and certain payment of seamen employed in the Royal Navy. Massie, Joseph 
1780Facts: addressed to the landholders, stockholders, merchants farmers, manufacturers, tradesmen, proprietors of every description, and generally to all the subjects of Great Britain and Ireland ... The eight [sic] edition. Tooke, John Horne 
1717Fair payment to spunge: or, Some considerations on the unreasonableness of refusing to receive back money lent on publick securities. Defoe, Daniel 
3-Mar-2010Farmers' Successors and the Immigration of Female Asian Spouses in Rural JapanOkuyama, Shoji; 奥山, 正司
1751Farther considerations upon a reduction of the land-tax: together with a state of the annual supplies of the sinking-fund, and of the national debt, at various future periods, and in various suppositions. Nugent, Robert Craggs Nugent, earl 
1751Farther considerations upon a reduction of the land-tax: together with a state of the annual supplies of the sinking-fund, and of the national debt, at various future periods, and in various suppositions. Nugent, Robert Craggs Nugent, earl 
1756Farther explanations of some particular subjects, relating to trade, coin, and exchanges, contained in the universal merchant. Magen, Nikolaus 
1759Farther observations concerning the Foundling-Hospital: pointing out the ill effects which such an hospital is likely to have upon the religion, liberty, and domestic happiness of the people of Great-Britain. Massie, Joseph 
1811Farther observations on the subject of the supposed depreciation of our currency, and causes of the diminution in the value of money. Wilson, Robert 
21-Mar-2000FASBアンソニー報告書について : 非営利会計における基礎概念の検討: 研究ノート池田, 享誉; IKEDA, Yukitaka
20-Sep-2000FASB統合的会計概念フレームワークの検討 : SFAC第4号と第6号を中心に : 研究ノート池田, 享誉; IKEDA, Yukitaka
29-Mar-2006FASB非営利会計概念フレームワークにおける組織区分の検討 : GASB 概念フレームワークと比較して池田, 享誉; IKEDA, Yukitaka
1623The fatall vesper, or A trve and pvnctvall relation of that lamentable and fearefull accident, hapning on Sunday in the afternoon being the 26. of October last, by the fall of a room in the Black-Friers in which were assembled many people at a sermon, which was to be preached by Father Drvrie a Iesvite. Crashaw, William? 
1730Father Paul of beneficiary matter; or, The dues of the altar. Sarpi, Paolo 
Showing results 1961 to 1980 of 11188
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