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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1579Les six livres de la repvbliqve de I. Bodin Angeuin. A monseignevr dv favr ... 4. éd., rev., corr., & augm. de nouveau.Bodin, Jean, 1530-1596.
1622Free trade. or, the meanes to make trade florish. Wherein, The causes of the decay of trade in this kingdome, are discouered: and the remedies also to remooue the same, are represented. by Edward Misselden... 2d ed., with some add.Misselden, Edward., fl. 1608-1654.
1636Consvetvdo, vel lex mercatoria, or, The antient law-merchant...necessarie for all statement, iudges, magistrates, temporall and ciuile lawyers, mint-men, merchants, mariners, and all others negociating in all places of the world, by Gerard Malynes... whereunto is annexed, the merchants mirrovr: or, directions for the perfect ordering and keeping of his accovnts; framed by way of debitor and creditor, after the...and also, a moneth-booke, very requisite for merchants, and commodious for all other science-lovers of this famous art. compiled by Richard Dafforne...Malynes, Gerald de, fl.1586-1641.
1638De vsvris liber, Clavdio Salmasio auctore.Saumaise, Claude de, 1588-1653?
1651Leviathan, or the matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill.Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679.
1663Systeme cosmicvm... in quo quatuor dialogis, de duobus maximis mundi systematibus, Ptolemaico & Copernicano, utriusque rationibus philosophicis ac naturalibus indefinitè propositis, differitur. ex Italica lingua Latine conversum, accessit appendix gemina, qua SS. Scripturæ dicta cum terrae mobilitate conciliantur...Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642.
1664England's tresure by forraign trade, or, the ballance of our forraign trade is the rule of our treasure. written by Thomas Mun... and now published for the common good by his son John Mun...Mun, Thomas, 1571-1641.
1669Observations and advices oeconomical. infelix nimis cujus domicilio ignavia adhæret.North, Dudley North, 4th baron
1675A discourse of coin and coinage: the first invention, use, matter, forms, proportions and differences, ancient & modern: with the advantages and disadvantages of the rise or fall thereof, in our own or neighbouring nations: and the reasons...by Rice Vaughan...Vaughan, Rice
1684Utopia: written in Latin by sir Thomas More... translated into English.More, Sir Thomas, Saint, 1478-1535.
1687Le droit de la guerre et de la paix par M. Grotivs: divise' en trois livres, où il explique le droit de nature, le droit des gens, & les principaux points du droit public, ou quf concerne le gouvernement public d'un Etat. tradvit du latin en françois, par Monsieur Courtin...Grotius, Hugo, 1583-1645.
1688Pareres ou Avis et conseils sur les plus importantes matieres du commerce, contenant la resolution des questions les plus difficiles, sçavoir sur les banqueroutes & faillites; des lettres & billets de change; des ordres sans datte & sans expression de valeur; des signatures en blanc; des novations des lettres & billets de change; de celles qui sont tirées ou acceptées par des femmes en puissance de mary; de minorité des tireurs; des differentes societés; de la competence des juge & consuls; & sur plusieurs autres questions touchant le fait du commerce; ensemble plusieurs arrests des Parlemens rendus conformément à ces pareres. par le Sieur Jacques Savary.Savary, Jacques, 1622-1690.
1691Political arithmetick, or a discourse concerning, The extent and value of lands, people, buildings...as the same relates to every country in general, but more particularly to the territories of his majesty of Great Britain, and his neighbours of Holland, Zealand, and France. By Sir William Petty...Petty, Sir William, 1623-1687.
1693Some thoughts concerning education.Locke, John, 1632-1704.
1695A report containing an essay for the amendment of the silver coins.Lowndes, William, 1652-1724.
1697Le detail de la France, sous le regne de Louis XIVBoisguillebert, Pierre le Pesant, sieur del, 1646-1714.
1697The present state of England, as to coin and publick charges. in three parts. treating of the necessity of more money before taxes can be effectual, or trade revived, and of ways and means to procure it: as calling in all the plate on ready money; restoring credit; bringing out hoarded money: rectifying the ballance of trade; raising the value of money, against which the opposite prejudices, as injurious to king, parliament and people, with mr. lock's chief positions, are refuted by demonstrable reason and matter of fact. most humbly presented to the king and parliament, by J. H.Hodges, James, fl., 1697-1706.
1698Discourses on the public revenues, and on the trade of England. in two parts...by the author of the essay on ways and means...Davenant, Charles, 1656-1714
1699An essay upon the probable methods of making a people gainers in the ballance of trade. treating of these heads, viz. of the people of England. of the land of England, and its product. of our payments to the publick, and in what manner the ballance of trade may be thereby affected. that a country cannot increase in wealth and power but by private men doing their duty to the publick, and but by a steady course of honesty and wisdom, in such as are trusted with the administration of affairs. by the author of the essay on ways and means...Davenant, Charles, 1656-1714
1700A discourse upon grants and resumptions. showing how our ancestors have proceeded with such ministers as have procured to themselves grants of the crown-revenue; and that the forfeited estates ought to be applied towards the payment of the publick debts. by the author of, the essay,on ways and means.Davenant, Charles, 1656-1714
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