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Browsing by Author Defoe, Daniel
Showing results 1 to 20 of 46
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1713 | A brief account of the present state of the African trade. | Defoe, Daniel |
1726 | A brief case of the distillers, and of the distilling trade in England, shewing how far it is the interest of England to encourage the said trade, as it is so considerable an advantage to the landed interest, to the trade and navigation, to the publick revenue, and to the employment of the poor. | Defoe, Daniel |
1726 | A brief case of the distillers, and of the distilling trade in England, shewing how far it is the interest of England to encourage the said trade, as it is so considerable an advantage to the landed interest, to the trade and navigation, to the publick revenue, and to the employment of the poor. | Defoe, Daniel |
1727 | A brief deduction of the original, progress, and immense greatness of the British woolen manufacture: with an enquiry whether it be not at present in a very declining condition: the reasons of its decay; and the only means of its recovery. | Defoe, Daniel |
1730 | A brief state of the inland of home trade, of England; and of the oppressions it suffers, and the dangers which threaten it from the invasion of hawkers, pedlars, and clandestine traders of all sorts. | Defoe, Daniel |
1719 | A brief state of the question between the printed and painted callicoes, and the woollen and silk manufacture, as far as it relates to the wearing and using of printed and painted callicoes in Great Britain. 2d ed. | Defoe, Daniel |
1713 | A general history of trade, and especially consider'd as it respects the British commerce, as well at home, as to all parts of the world. | Defoe, Daniel |
1705 | A journey to the world in the moon, &c: by the author of The true-born Englishman. | Defoe, Daniel |
1713 | A letter from a member of the House of Commons to his friend in the country, relating to the bill of commerce. | Defoe, Daniel |
1730 | A plan of the English commerce. | Defoe, Daniel |
1721 | A true state of the contracts relating to the third money-subscription taken by the South-Sea Company. | Defoe, Daniel |
1712 | An essay on the South-Sea trade. | Defoe, Daniel |
1713 | An essay on the treaty of commerce with France: with necessary expositions... | Defoe, Daniel |
1713 | An essay on the treaty of commerce with France: with necessary expositions... 2d ed. | Defoe, Daniel |
1710 | An essay upon loans: or, An argument proving that substantial funds settled by Parliament, with the encouragement of interests, and the advances of prompt payment usually allow'd will bring in loans of money to the exchequer, in spight of all the conspiracies of parties to the contrary ... | Defoe, Daniel |
1697 | An essay upon projects. | Defoe, Daniel |
1797 | An essay upon public credit: being an enquiry how the public credit comes to depend upon the change of ministry, or the dissolutions of Parliaments; and whether it does so or no?... | Defoe, Daniel |
1710 | An essay upon publick credit: being an enquiry how the publick credit comes to depend upon the change of the ministry, or the dissolutions of Parliaments; and whether it does so or no. | Defoe, Daniel |
1710 | An essay upon publick credit: being an enquiry how the publick credit comes to depend upon the change of the ministry, or the dissolutions of Parliaments; and whether it does so or no. | Defoe, Daniel |
1711 | An essay upon the trade to Africa, in order to set the merits of that cause in a true light and being the disputes between the African company and the separate traders into a narrower compass. | Defoe, Daniel |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 46